If you feel like we do, then your pets are more than just animals- they’re family. One of the best things you can do for your family pet, outside of spending time with them, is to make sure they’re eating high-quality food. Unfortunately, there are a number of ingredients in the average pet food that pose a danger to their health.
Harmful Ingredients in Pet Food
Have you ever thought about looking at the ingredient list on your pet’s food? If not, you definitely should! Take a peek and check for the following ingredients: animal by-products, food dye, plant by-products, BHA, BHT, rendered fat, and ethoxyquin. We are sure you’re wondering what these things mean, and we are happy to explain that.

Food Dye
Food dye is more than likely something that you’re familiar with. It is in the majority of pre-packaged food as an artificial coloring. The thing is, you don’t want your pets to have food with artificial coloring! Food dye, red dye in particular, has been linked to skin issues, asthma, and chromosomal damage. You always want to stay away from artificial ingredients.
By-Products and Rendered Fat
While by-products are less likely to cause detrimental side effects, they are still not a great ingredient. Essentially by-products are ‘fillers’ and they don’t have a nutritional substance to them. Protein is a vital part of every diet, and you want your pet to be consuming healthy, natural proteins like our Salmon Stix. Steer clear of rendered fat for your pet because the FDA doesn’t regulate how it is obtained by pet food manufacturers. The sources for rendered fat can be as disgusting as diseased livestock and roadkill.
Both BHA and BHT are synthetic antioxidants. Scientists have noted them as being possible carcinogens among causing other harmful side effects. BHA and BHT negatively affect hormone function, so you definitely don’t want your pets ingesting them.
Easily one of the worst ingredients that are found in pet food, ethoxyquin is also used in pesticides as well as in the process of forming rubber. Sadly, studies have shown that there is an increased risk of liver cancer associated with ethoxyquin.
Unfortunately, there is little FDA regulation on pet food. One of the best things you can do for your pet is to make sure that you’re offering them high-quality foods that are free of the ingredients that we mentioned in this article. You can even make your own pet food at home and guarantee there are none of the dangerous additives that you so commonly find in brand-name pet foods.